Following on from our series on brands we want to shine light on for being virtuous in a time of uncertainty, today we have stellar examples of Latin American brands who are helping in their own ways towards the bigger picture.

Brands in Latin America are now exposed to a major test for the second time in a relatively short period. First, there were the social demands that hit many countries across the region at the end of 2019, and now there's COVID-19, which brings additional pressure upon an already tested environment. However, there have been immense learnings achieved already, and the region is starting to defying the uncertainty of the market with renewed forces that are fed from great purposes.

Those brands who are currently thriving, understand that if they want to be an active and positive participant at this time, they will need to work from a purpose that's closely related to the core of their business. In other words, their brand purpose is no longer just saying "we improve people's lives", but to actively achieve it from the company's abilities in which they can use to stand out for the greater good. Hence, their purpose is a commitment, it's a way of living, and not just a marketing buzz word that falls side by side with CSR or philanthropy.

Here we have some astonishing examples of how brands can be consistent, relevant, create value, and help society all at the same time.

Bavaria - one of the biggest beer producers in Colombia - are using their bottles and distribution capacity to provide aid to the country. Specifically, they are providing antibacterial gel produced from extracted alcohol usually used in their beer production. Bavaria are also giving water bottles to the police force and allowing the government to use their trucks to transport food, when needed.

Rappi - the Colombian-origin multi-category delivery app - is helping across all LATAM regions by providing a specialised bespoke service for people over the age of 60 and by providing free food to healthcare professionals.

CMPC - a Chilean pulp and paper company with a worldwide presence - has bought two automated machines that are capable of producing up to 1.5 million surgical masks per month which will then be donated to the Chilean population. CMPC have also opened up part of their infrastructure as a place to give treatment for COVID-19.

Grupo Modelo - a Mexican beer producer - are using their industrial capacity to deliver free antibacterial gel to the Instituto Mexicano de Seguro Social (a public institution caring for the health and social protection).

Entel - a Chilean telecommunication company with presence in Perú - gave access to Microsoft Teams to all its business customers to help them deal with the logistics of working from home.

Cemex - a Mexican multinational building materials company - are helping across Argentina and other countries with the shared capacity of their concrete trucks being used to deliver bulk sanitiser to help clean the streets of several cities in a coordinated effort with local governments.

These examples bring hope to Latin America, not just because brands are performing virtuous actions during this pandemic, but because it seems that they are honestly working to align with the needs of society.

From now on, people and brands know that their purpose and accountability will be continuously tested.

We’ll feature more examples of wholehearted brands each week, and feel free to suggest other examples you think are worth celebrating via our social media channels.

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