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What is the Consumer Brand Index?

The FutureBrand Index is a unique and refreshing way to assess the packaged goods sector and how it is being marketed.

FutureBrand regularly publishes indexes that order or reorder well-known brands by perception strength to create unique brand rankings.

Now, for the first time, we turn our attention to 100 undeniably everyday consumer packaged goods brands in the U.S. to bring you the FutureBrand Consumer Index. This unique study assesses each brand’s purpose and experience across 18 critical attributes, to reveal which iconic favorite is best placed to grow in the short and longer-term future.
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The Big Story: The consumer brand landscape is ripe for disruption

All brands uniformly excel and falter in the same areas.

Despite working harder than ever, most brands aren't achieving their full potential when it comes to delivering on purpose and experience, with gaps between where brands excel and what consumers want. Traditional approaches and formulaic thinking are increasingly ineffective, leading to "blandification" across categories and segments.
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Tools & Comparisons

Brand Dashboards

See the dashboards for each of the top 100 brands
View top ranking brands

What's your brand score?

Use our tool to reveal your brand score
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Gaps Present Opportunities

Gaps between what consumers want and where brands excel provide a chance for companies to reassess their strategy and challenge traditional norms so they can catapult ahead. Our report lays out three approaches to help - and looks at brands doing well in each.

  • 1

    Make it personal

    Solve tangible problems for me

  • 2

    Push the boundaries of the experience

    Give me a reason to engage

  • 3

    Foster real connection

    Help me connect to people like me

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