FBI 2021

The FutureBrand Index 2021

The FutureBrand Index is a global perception study that reorders PwC’s Global Top 100 Companies by Market Capitalisation on perception strength rather than financial strength, offering a unique insight into how future-proof the world’s most prominent companies actually are. Now in its seventh year, the FutureBrand Index is based on rigorous research with a global sample of over 3,000 informed professionals.

Our prior reports have conclusively demonstrated that the organisations which lead the FutureBrand Index have a measurable competitive advantage, in part due to their standing on national and international stages. Time and time again, the FutureBrand Index reveals that financial strength does not necessarily translate into perception strength and that, as a result, our findings can often be surprising.

Key insights from the FutureBrand Index 2021:

  • 1
    Looking beyond the pandemic: This year’s FutureBrand Index reveals that today’s thriving companies are those that prioritise innovation to impact individual well-being and drive change for good at scale. This means a significant opportunity for the companies that create the platforms and infrastructures on which human life can thrive into the future.
  • 2
    Technology leads the way: Technology brands dominate the FutureBrand Index 2021, with three of this year’s Top Five coming from this sector.
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    Healthcare continues to surge: Healthcare companies continued to build on last year’s success, with the public increasingly perceiving them as indispensable for future innovation.
  • 4
    A renewed focus on the pleasure factor: Feeling good and the pursuit of simple pleasures has proved important to consumers during a year of uncertainty and crisis.
  • 5
    B2B companies becoming ‘household’ names: B2B companies that in previous FutureBrand Indexes were seen lower down the list have surged forward. Traditionally behind-the-scenes Tech and Pharma brands have become “household” names as society focuses on the innovation which will leads us out the pandemic.
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